Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Force of Habit

If you have known me for any amount of time whatsoever, you will know this: I play with my hair.

A not-so-great habit, I will admit. When interviewing for jobs I of course made a maximum effort to keep my hands away from my head at all times.

My hair is just so soft, though. Its long and blonde (which you have hopefully figured out from the blog name by now) and silky smooth. I’m not trying to brag; merely stating a fact.

I don’t always think it is about my hair-playing, though. I am just one of those people who needs to be constantly doing something with her hands at all times. During those aforementioned interviews, or work meetings, I play with my pen. I play with my necklace. I play with my ring or earrings. Anything close by, really.

I don’t think it is a ‘nervous’ habit, per se. I am not nervous when I play with my hair. Half the time I don’t really know I’m doing it. I once had a boy I kind of dated for a second tell me he could tell my emotional state by the way I played with my hair. Never mind that he and I didn’t really have a whole lot of one-on-one time, just lots of long lectures and class discussions, during which time we sat in the same room. Creepster. Although it might be true. I certainly play with my hair more harshly when I am nervous, or do not feel well (especially when I don’t feel well, see fear blog in the vomit section).

My Lil Sistah plays with her hair as well. In fact, I see some of the same hair playing mannerisms in her that I do in myself.

I’ve had several friends try to break me of the hair playing, but either they didn’t try hard enough or it’s impossible. Just to show you, this is when I play with my hair:

- Watching people at the shop

- Talking to friends

- Hanging out at the bar with the boy

- Watching movies

- Skyping with the Lil Sistah (and laughing when she does the same thing)

I also think that my new dabbles in jewelry making have something to do with hair playing. Or at least, with the necessity to always be doing something with my hands. I wanted to do something while also watching sports games and other things that did not need absolute concentration.

I guess I am unapologetic about the hair playing. Its better than smoking, or picking my nose, right?

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