Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Admin Pros before Hos

Today was admin professionals' day. You know how I knew that?

Yesterday, the awesome-socks web site,, sent me their top cards of the week email, which contained, among other things Admin Professionals' Day cards.

The one I sent a few Admin Pro buds:
"Sorry you have to work on the holiday honoring your work"

I then went home and promptly forgot about it again until this afternoon, when one of those admin pros (and author of Sugar High Boston) had it posted on facebook.

You see, the two Admins at the office had gone to a site visit at the hotel where we will hold our conference in June. The day was so nice that the other admin missed our exit off 93 and we ended up in Medford, near Wellington.

You know what is right next to Wellington?

Three words:
Kelly's Roast Beef

Fried Scallop Plate and Strawberry Frappe? Yes please. And someone discovered how awesome tarter sauce truly is on top of fried seafood. Food-gasm.

It was not until we returned to the office (me ready for a nap after such a heavy, delicious meal) when I realized, and walked into fellow admin's office

"Happy Admin Professionals day! We celebrated by inadvertently taking ourselves out to lunch!"


I leave you with a few other gems from

"This administrative professionals' day, please order yourself some flowers from me"
"In lieu of greater respect and better pay, we give you a pseudo-holiday"
"I'll gladly do the expense reports for the gifts you bought me on admin's day"

(for those of you who are wondering, I do really like my administrative job and in no way, shape or form do I feel under appreciated by my coworkers. You need to look no further than the office calisthenics post. These just made me giggle).

The next day, after an AM MD appointment (healthy and fine!) I came to work to find this adorbs ecard from a supervisor/co-worker. Need I say more about the wonderful people I work with?

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