Friday, December 9, 2011

The klutz stands alone

I was super excited last night to have the apartment to myself.

Don't get me wrong.  There's nothing I like more than curling up next to B on the couch on a cold winter's night.  Especially a cold winter's Thursday night for all our favorite shows right in a row (Community, Parks and Rec, The Office, Its Always Sunny, and The League).  Honestly, I try not to make plans on Thursday nights, because I love the NBC comedies so much.  Can't wait until 30 Rock comes back!
Anyway, back on track.  I was going to use last night to catch up on some of the shows B doesn't like, i.e. Parenthood.  (Why is NBC so low in its ratings when I feel like all my favorite shows are on that one network?)

Then Mom called, and we started chatting, and I started cleaning, because I can't sit still when I talk on the phone, and rather than pace in the apartment back and forth I decided to be productive.  I was pledging the woodwork - dresser, windowsills, etc, and decided to get behind the TV, which is always super dusty because I don't always remember to pledge there.
So I'm chatting with Mom, the TV is on in the background, I'm in the back of the TV with the wires and cables I have no clue about, and then suddenly, the TV goes black.

That's right, folks.  I was dusting so violently, I knocked out not one, but TWO cables in back of the TV.  And those are some heavy-duty cables.  Obviously there are always more cable holes than cables, so I couldn't figure out where the darn things went.
B comes home at 10 after dude night at the new BBQ joint, and is mildly exasperated at my inability to dust without damaging anything.  Hey.  At least I dust!  If he gets to snort when I trip over my own two feet as a klutz, he can't judge when I knock out cables as a klutz.

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