Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I can haz fame?

I know, I have been rahther MIA lately, friends.  I blame busy-ness.  Between moving, amping up the wedding planning (weee!) and having buddies in town (yay!), September has been a complete blur.

So, to get back into blogging, what better way than to cover another blog?
My dear buddy AT, author of La Cucina Francesca, recently posted about a dish I made.  She does a lovely cooking blog (and wowed us all on July 4th with an America Cake).

The FI often questions my cooking abilities, mainly because I rarely use them.  Now that we have a larger kitchen, I may start (he suggested I try to cook once a week.  Not looking likely this week due to short-staffedness at the shop, but perhaps next time).  Anyway, my favorite part is the photo of me, unseeding a poblano pepper.  Wearing my sunglasses.  Indoors.

You see, dear friends, it has been a while since I chopped an onion.  B chops them all the time, but apparently I am too far away for them to have any effect.  Not so when I chop them - my eyes burned like a mofo.  I kept squinting and closing them and battling it out with the onion until I had a genius thought:

Threw on the sunnies and voila, burning sensation gone (or at least much milder than before).  I totes recommend sunglasses for cooking eye protection when you're in a bind and tearing up.
And now I am on AT's blog and famous in my own right.  Yay!

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