Wednesday, October 5, 2011


In my mind, nothing is better than a good to-do list with things slowly being crossed off.  This is basically how I survive at work and get everything done.

I love physically writing and hope typing never takes over handwriting in the note-taking world, but I have my doubts.
My work to-do lists have a title up top (i.e. 10/4/11 To Do) with an arrow pointing right, indicating to me that its ok if everything isn't completed by the end of the day.  I make a box around the title.

I use either numbers or bulletpoints for my list, and write everything I need to do in blue or black ink (something categorically by project).
When I finish, I cross out.  But I don't just draw a straight line.  What fun is that?

I use a red ball-point pen and squiggle out something that has been completed.
If I am waiting for feedback on something and am halfway done, I make a note to myself in the red ballpoint pen.

Am I a huge nerd because of this?  Likely.  Do I write things on my to-do list just so I can turn around and cross them out?  Maybe.
But that's how I roll, and how I get things done.  So there.

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