It felt good to blog the other day... and a friend of mine then texted me, saying she was relieved to see me pop up on google reader - she had been concerned I was stuck underneath a pile of bridal mags.
Fear not, Em! I am here!
I love a good cheesy pickup line. Not because it works (well, sometimes it does). But because its better than some of the more skeevy lines I've gotten in the past. Being innocent looking and somewhat cute can really bring out the sketchballs.
I've always been a fan of this one:
How much does a polar bear weigh?
(I don't know, how much?)
Enough to break the ice! I'm Tom.
Yes, that was used on me. And it worked. But I got dinner and drinks out of the deal, so there you go.
See, any dude can go with the "Hey baby," "Hey mama," and the like. It takes a real brain to use a memorable line.
"Hey, do you think those girls are Eastern European or something?"
(That also worked. B's bud JT used it the night I met B. Win!)
You know what doesn't work, men? Whistling. Obvious ogling. Inappropriate comments.
Hint - if you wouldn't want someone saying that to your mom, sister, or girlfriend, don't say it to a random stranger.
But every so often, the simple "Good mornings," go a long way. No, I may not stop to chat, but the simple greeting will go a long way.
On my old walk to the gym, one of the men who swept the sidewalk every morning always sang and greeted everyone who walked past. He was my fave, with his loud "Good morning, beautiful!"
Which was much nicer and made me feel much more secure about myself than the dude who asked if he could have my number at 6:30 AM. Seriously, dude?? At least wait until you're ordering a drink next to me at a bar, and make a little chit chat first. And I still won't give you my number. See the ring on my left fourth finger? I'm taken.
Ok. Pseudo-rant done. Hope it was enjoyable!
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