I once had only one eyeshadow palette. Then, on New Years Eve, Mindy of Sugar High Boston blogging fame gave me an impromptu eye makeup lesson. I then had a bunch of adult beverages and forgot what she taught me. (Sorry Mindy). Then, I sucked it up and bought myself new eyeshadows. You can't really tell in the photos, but they're definitely labeled "Base", "Lid", "Crease" and "Liner". Yes. I buy pre-labeled eyeshadows. And no, I have not yet gotten up the courage to try the liners. All in good time, dear readers.
All this talk of eyeshadow reminds me of freshman year of college.
One of my two college besties, Shell, had quite the cosmopolitan roommate. Among other things, she held the belief that blondes should NOT wear blue eyeshadow. Ever. I think it sprang from an underlying fear of the 80s. Miss Cosmo feared big hair, loud prints, high tops, and blue eyeshadow on blondes.
Shell, college bestie Em, and I all laughed about Miss Cosmo's wierdness regarding our common hair color and blue eye shadow.
Towards the end of the semester, I had a brilliant idea.
I made sure to wander over to Shell's room when Miss Cosmo was around. Seeing Cosmo at her desk, I said, "Shell, may I borrow your blue eyeshadow tonight?"
I put the fear of God in Miss Cosmo.
"NO! Clare! You cannot wear blue eyeshadow! Blondes should never, ever, ever wear blue eyeshadow!"
Oh, if only writing could convey the disgusted and horrified tone of voice.
I quickly left Shell's room, for fear that I would burst into laughter at Miss Cosmo's predictable outburst. Was that mean? Did I trick her into exploding? Perhaps. But she was not the nicest person on our freshman floor, not by a long shot.
Needless to say, that girl did not live with Shell after freshman year of college!
1 comment:
I once read that ladies with blue eyes should favor eyeshadows in hues of pink. Pink is now what I exclusively wear.
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