With half the world on the 'blogosphere', I decided it was high time I claimed my sliver of the pie. I'm hoping I got blueberry or apple, rather than rhubarb or keylime.
The first entry is always the most awkward, I hear. You have to introduce yourself, give people background, perhaps even add a disclaimer about your political and moral standpoint, so that if someone stumbles upon your blog three months into it, you can say, "Wait, my opinion that flamingoes are better fit to rule the world is a valid claim, just look at my political manifesto in blog number 4.6!"
All right. So, I'm Clare (NOT with an I.) I'm a mid-twenties career changer who has a penchant for ellipses and parentheses, so bear with me readers. I'm very left-leaning as politics go, did environmental studies in undergrad and environment and sustainable development as a masters (in London). I now work at a jewelry store in a touristy and studenty area of Boston. I've been happily with B, my boyfriend, for over a year. I'm fiercely loyal to my friends, many of whom are not based in Boston. If my perfect world existed, I would relocate my close friends and entire family, and B, and the Boston Red Sox, to London.
Speaking of the Sox, I'm not going to spend this entry talking about the recent trade of Manny Ramirez, simply because I haven't read up on it yet and I don't want to make any uneducated remarks. As a female baseball fan I sometimes feel more scrutinized with my claim to fan-dom. Maybe that's just female paranoia, but I think there is something to it. In this time, it seems more ok for a guy to be a casual baseball fan than a girl. Example: A guy scores free Sox tickets at work. He's a transplant to Boston, so he knows the Sox but isn't exactly educated. But he goes with work, because the tickets are free and he can drink a few beers and have a good time. He tells the work buddies that he isn't a huge Sox or baseball fan, but they all laugh it off. Now, if a girl were to do the same thing, attend a Sox game if she isn't that into the Red Sox, people would criticize her, say it was a waste of a ticket, that only real fans should go to Fenway Park.
A little background on the man in my life. I met him at a bar one rainy Friday night in May. He was out with his friend, I was out with my friend, and for once in my life had zero desire to speak to anyone in the male gender. Zilch. Nada. I had been burned one too many times (the icing on the cake being spending a weekend with a dude who flirted so much that an entire island full of people thought we were actually dating... nothing happened, but a few days after we parted he told me that he was engaged and never meant to send 'mixed signals'). So as a big 'F-YOU' to men I put on my hottest dress, highest heels, and blatantly ignored every single man who wasn't serving alcohol. That is, of course, until B and his friend rolled up to us. B says he doesn't usually just go up to girls and talk to them, and I believe that now. His buddy, on the other hand, was pretty slick with the pickup line. But B actually got my number, waited the required 2-3 days, and CALLED. I wasn't shocked, but I was definitely excited. And now we're talking about adult things like futures and long term commitments, and I love it. And yes... I love him too.
Well, must run (walk) to the jewelry store. That's another Clare quirk - I walk everywhere.
very nice first post.
Would they still be called the "Boston Red Sox" if they were in London?
For being a fan of ellipses, I only counted two instances, and I didn't bother to count oxford commas.
I'm also certain that if they found a way to bake key lime pie into cheesecake form, you'd be all over it.
I meant "cupcake form"
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